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Lindsay Staloff is a children's author and illustrator, best known for her captivating Children's Book Series. In "Divine's Never Ending Journey", Lindsay makes reading fun and interesting by using play words in rhymes that soothe the energy soul and with a learning purpose. Lindsay promotes simple healing tools to overcome mental health that inspire young minds through a beautiful journey within a meaningful story. “A thought is just a feeling when you change the thoughts you change the feelings.” She encourages self-love, self-awareness, and self-belief in young readers. Lindsay Staloff uses her hero voice with many different outlets., she is the President and Co-Founder of PPCM FUND Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about the prevention of maternal mortality and the simple early diagnosis that is not being applied is, a cause very close to her heart due to her own experiences as a Peripartum Cardiomyopathy - PPCM Survivor. Lindsay's women’s movement mission is her life purpose. Her commitment and determination to create real change in maternal health and emotional well-being have made Lindsay an unwavering advocate for women's heart pregnancy health, leaving a lasting impact on future generations. Lindsay and many other PPCM family survivors thank everyone with their whole hearts for all the hero awareness voices that unite towards PPCM Fund Inc. The information is life-saving and Divine's Never Ending Journey series provides support through the purchases. These are the blessings for the cause as well as for everyone's well-being. Knowledge is power. 



In every ending, there is a new beginning...

Divine's Never Ending Journey

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